Why go to a psychologist to work on emotional eating?
Although most diets focus on food and exercise, they typically don’t tell you how to combat your sabotaging thoughts or what to do when you feel like deserve a treat after a long and stressful day, managing your urges and emotions.
The people who come to see us for help with eating issues usually know exactly what they should eat and how much they should exercise, but find it difficult to understand why they have trouble putting these healthy behaviours into practice. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment therapy (ACT) address these problems as well as providing helpful strategies about food and exercise. Our client feedback has been very positive about the “missing link” in managing emotional eating and sustaining a healthy weight. Studies have shown these therapies to be effective for emotional eating and maintaining a healthy weight.
Read our article in Mindfood on CBT for eating for more.
Other issues with eating can also be addressed through therapy. Most people have heard of the main eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. Read our Mindfood binge eating story here.
However there are many issues people have with eating that don’t fit these diagnoses but still cause distress including constant dieting, feeling that you can’t control your eating behavior, extreme focus on body shape and weight, eating much more food during a binge episode than during a normal meal, and feeling depressed, disgusted or upset over the amount eaten.
We help you move to a non-judgemental and compassionate stance towards yourself which is a crucial step in reducing the distress you feel around your eating behaviour.
We help people achieve their weight loss and self image goals through individual therapy or our seminars.
We often work in conjunction with dieticians and nutritionists to help people achieve their goals and recommend Mission Nutrition.
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