
Psychology of equality

  Inequality plagues many societies. Our resident psychologist looks at how putting others down, or being put down ourselves, contributes to society’s malaise. When we think of inequality, we might tend to think of “big” examples such as the fight for civil rights in the United States, apartheid in South Africa, or the subjugation of…

Developing a healthy relationship with food

Developing a healthy relationship with food When I used to give seminars on how to develop a healthy relationship with food, I would often take in a packet of chips and some chocolate and place them at the front of the room. Comments from the participants would start: “Don’t let me see that chocolate,” “Oh…

Goals vs. values

The difference between living by goals vs. values At Change it psychology, we are currently loving a relatively new model of therapy called ACT – acceptance and commitment therapy.  The best and most accessible books on ACT come from Russ Harris,  ACT is a relative to CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy) and focuses on how we…