Building resilience

These days we hear a lot about resilience and how important it is.  Here is a summary of the key facts. What is resilience? In essence, resilience is the ability to keep going after experiencing a setback or series of problems.  It is recovering readily to still hold optimism about the future.  It has been…

Learning to accept

Radical Acceptance: How do you respond when reality bites? A 35 year old single woman at a baby shower. A 28 year old banker living at home dreaming of financial independence.  Another woman, 53, unable to go tramping in the South Island because of chronic back pain. What do all of these situations have in…

Ten steps to creativity

10 steps to creativity Suffering from brain freeze and need a little inspiration? 
Follow these simple steps to get your creative juices flowing again. 1. GO CROSS-EYED (ALMOST!) The academic journal Brain and Cognition described a study in which participants were required to think of alternate uses for everyday objects. Half the subjects were instructed…