
Hearing voices

Hearing Voices In Your Head Hearing voices is conventially bound up with the notion of “craziness” or losing your mind. Our resident psychologist speaks to Debra Lampshire, who is a long-time hearer of voices, in an effort to understand and correct some of the prevalent myths. When we hear that someone has “gone mad”, we…

Psychology of equality

  Inequality plagues many societies. Our resident psychologist looks at how putting others down, or being put down ourselves, contributes to society’s malaise. When we think of inequality, we might tend to think of “big” examples such as the fight for civil rights in the United States, apartheid in South Africa, or the subjugation of…

How to change your habits

How to change your habits Routine, ingrained actions can have a powerful impact on our lives. Psychologist Mary Grogan explains how to take control and change your habits. Around this time of year (December), people start reflecting on the year that was and making plans for the coming year. Many articles start appearing in popular…

Loving Kindness Meditation

We are often asked about which meditation exercises we recommend.  One meditation that has been studied and found to be of benefit is Loving Kindness meditation.  A world renowned positive psychology researcher named Barbara Fredrickson found that practicing loving-kindness meditation resulted in small daily increases in nine positive emotions – amusement, awe, contentment, gratitude, hope,…

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness means paying attention to life in a particular way: -Just as it is, -On purpose, -In the present moment, -Without judgement. (Jon Kabat-Zin) Another definition of mindfulness is “learning to be in control of your mind, instead of letting your mind be in control of you.” Mindfulness is about experiencing the world in the…

How much does your mind wander?

How much does your mind wander? An ongoing study into the nature of what makes us happy was reported in the Harvard Business Review (Jan-Feb 2012).  The findings so far suggest that the more our minds wander, the less happy we are, or put another way, a focussed mind is a happy mind. Some interesting…