Acceptance-and Commitment-therapy

Make peace with what you eat

Make peace with what you eat MiNDFOOD’s resident psychologist Mary Grogan looks at a thought-provoking way to develop a healthy relationship with food. When I used to give seminars on how to develop a healthy relationship with food, I would often take in a packet of chips and some chocolate and place them at the…

How to: Detox your relationships

Negative connections with people can be a drain on us emotionally, mentally and physically. But there are ways to cope with, and limit, the effects of toxic relationships in your life. Last year, Katie, a client, received an email from an acquaintance with a mocking tone, wishing her “so much bad luck in the future”.…

What happens when we try and have it all?

“There’s something wrong with me,” Sally whispered staring at my office floor, having just told me she is depressed, “everyone else can do it so why do I find it so hard?” FINDING IT HARD While Sally is struggling with the question of work life balance, it doesn’t matter what “it” is. It might be…

Why the cathartic approach to anger management doesn’t work

Let it out or let it be: Why the cathartic approach to anger management doesn’t work.   “I’ve had one hell of a day – first someone reversed into my car, my colleagues hadn’t done what they promised at work on our project and took no responsibility, and as I was racing to watch the kids…

Developing a healthy relationship with food

Developing a healthy relationship with food When I used to give seminars on how to develop a healthy relationship with food, I would often take in a packet of chips and some chocolate and place them at the front of the room. Comments from the participants would start: “Don’t let me see that chocolate,” “Oh…