I recently received this ebook from Russ Harris (author of the Happiness Trap, the Confidence Gap, The Reality Slap and many more). It’s based on psychological principles from ACT therapy which I tend to use in my work. You may find it useful as it provides a framework to deal with the uncertainty we all…
Make peace with what you eat MiNDFOOD’s resident psychologist Mary Grogan looks at a thought-provoking way to develop a healthy relationship with food. When I used to give seminars on how to develop a healthy relationship with food, I would often take in a packet of chips and some chocolate and place them at the…
Negative connections with people can be a drain on us emotionally, mentally and physically. But there are ways to cope with, and limit, the effects of toxic relationships in your life. Last year, Katie, a client, received an email from an acquaintance with a mocking tone, wishing her “so much bad luck in the future”.…
“There’s something wrong with me,” Sally whispered staring at my office floor, having just told me she is depressed, “everyone else can do it so why do I find it so hard?” FINDING IT HARD While Sally is struggling with the question of work life balance, it doesn’t matter what “it” is. It might be…
Let it out or let it be: Why the cathartic approach to anger management doesn’t work. “I’ve had one hell of a day – first someone reversed into my car, my colleagues hadn’t done what they promised at work on our project and took no responsibility, and as I was racing to watch the kids…
Here’s a simple but effective way of thinking about which direction you are travelling in, with each choice you make. It comes from “The Weight Escape” by Ciarrochi, Bailey and Harris (2014), a book I use a lot with clients who have difficulties with food, but this diagram can used with any decision. Download the…
“Well, I just feel confused. I’m not sure where to go from here. Last week we had such a hopeful session and this week has left me feeling stuck.” This is a direct quote from a client at the end of a session with me in the last couple of months. I used to be…
Websites: A site for “Mindfulness: finding peace in a frantic world” including free meditations you can download. My favourite is the chocolate meditation. A UK site that has a program and an app (headspace) and the first 10 mindfulness exercises are free Helpful podcasts on meditation and relaxation can be found at Computer assisted learning for the…
While it’s easy to have the best of intentions when it comes to changing behaviour, sticking at it can be tough. Sue hates flying. She commonly feels fearful from the moment she is seated on the plane and doesn’t fully relax until the moment the plane touches down at the other end. Because of her…
Developing a healthy relationship with food When I used to give seminars on how to develop a healthy relationship with food, I would often take in a packet of chips and some chocolate and place them at the front of the room. Comments from the participants would start: “Don’t let me see that chocolate,” “Oh…