How much does your mind wander?

How much does your mind wander? An ongoing study into the nature of what makes us happy was reported in the Harvard Business Review (Jan-Feb 2012).  The findings so far suggest that the more our minds wander, the less happy we are, or put another way, a focussed mind is a happy mind. Some interesting…

Tips for managing your energy

In a previous post I mentioned the importance of balancing rest and recovery.  The idea is to take breaks, not just holidays once a year, but mini breaks (90 seconds) and micro breaks (10-15 minutes) throughout the day, where we disengage from our work and actively and mindfully do something that will recharge us. Easier…

Goals vs. values

The difference between living by goals vs. values At Change it psychology, we are currently loving a relatively new model of therapy called ACT – acceptance and commitment therapy.  The best and most accessible books on ACT come from Russ Harris,  ACT is a relative to CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy) and focuses on how we…

Binge drinking

Drinking plays an integral part in today’s society – we drink to celebrate, commiserate and to simply ‘have a good time’. But at what point does having a few drinks become a serious problem? Sally* believes she is living a healthy lifestyle. She watches what she eats, and cycles three times a week. At the…