Loving Kindness Meditation

We are often asked about which meditation exercises we recommend.  One meditation that has been studied and found to be of benefit is Loving Kindness meditation.  A world renowned positive psychology researcher named Barbara Fredrickson found that practicing loving-kindness meditation resulted in small daily increases in nine positive emotions – amusement, awe, contentment, gratitude, hope,…

Dealing with Pain

A book we recently came across that is available free online is Explain Pain.  It may be useful for anyone who has struggled with chronic pain.  It has easy to read sections on the physiology of pain and busts some common misunderstandings, with a good section on management of pain. Also remember that mindfulness within…

What is positive psychology?

          The term “Positive psychology” was coined in 1998 by the then president of the American Psychological association, Professor Martin Seligman. He identified 3 areas to study: positive emotion, basically the study of happiness (how we feel; joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, awe, and love.), positive traits (strengths,…

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness means paying attention to life in a particular way: -Just as it is, -On purpose, -In the present moment, -Without judgement. (Jon Kabat-Zin) Another definition of mindfulness is “learning to be in control of your mind, instead of letting your mind be in control of you.” Mindfulness is about experiencing the world in the…

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT).

What is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)? Cognitive behaviour therapy is about changing the way you feel by changing the way you think.  It is based on scientific research goal oriented practical effective present focussed for people suffering from one to a number of problems It involves identifying and addressing the behaviors and thinking patterns that cause and maintain…